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  • #14981

    Philippe CALAIS, PharmD, PhD
    Founder and CEO
    Phileas Pharmaceuticals

    As the development story of start-up firm Phileas emboldens and intensifies, join BioPub for a new presentation by founder Dr. Philippe Calais and scientific associates Dr. Michel Janicot (live from Belgium) and Professor Alon Harris, PhD (live from Israel).

    The new webcast will be this Thursday at noon and feature a deeper dive into the space of pathology brought about by transforming growth factor-beta, and the company’s plans to abate disease using antisense oligonucleotides. BioPub editors have been concerned for years that the dogma of anti-angiogenic therapeutics for advanced macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness, may be merely that specialty acting as its own echo chamber. Phileas’ distinctly different plan of attack, by suppressing elaboration of TGF-beta at the translational level, could offer a new remedy for AMD. While seed money is being raised to pursue the ophthalmology agenda, little has been said about the versatility of the ASO platform Phileas plans, and how those same therapeutic oligos could be used in other diseases with features of fibrosis, neoplasia, vascular pathology and even viral infections.

    Calais, a board member at perennial BioPub fave CohBar, is an economic advisor to the French government and has held multiple leadership positions in multiple pharma niches, including distinguished stints at Roche, Servier and Isarna.

    Many of you, highly distracted as were we by the unfolding calamity of Covid19 at the time of Phileas’ prior webcast, have privately expressed to the editors a desire to revisit the company and learn more about it, fearing that unprecedented global events had their minds elsewhere previously. We agree with that sentiment….many of us wondered if our own falling ill was imminent and predestined. Calais will revisit many of the core concepts driving Phileas’ action plans and discuss both TGF-beta and the pharma space’s favorably evolving attitudes about RNA silencing. Dr. KSS was present by voice only at the prior Phileas webcast because of a still-unexplained Zoom platform glitch now fixed (or seems so). At the prior webcast Professor Harris was hospitalized and present also by voice only. We’re happy to report he’s recovered, and will appear on camera.

    The secret to lucrative biotech investing is being at once right and early in your calls for where to invest. We think Phileas fills that particular bill and are proud to be working with the firm to bring Calais’ vision to fruition. Join us Thursday, and please check the spaces below for access links to the webcast as well as dial-up numbers.

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